Filimonov's Dolls

Hand-made playing and boudoir original dolls

FA-doll is a doll for PLAYING,
A doll for BATHING,
For DOING her hair and CHANGING her clothes,
For SLEEPING together,
For BEING HAPPY forever!

Our mottos for creating dolls:
No glue!
No paint!
Absolutely hand-made!

The Filimonov's Atelier. Doll's Studio

Our dolls are not only masterpieces which could be stood under the glass and just admire them. They are a toy which have no fear to get dirty, to make new hair, to change. Get dirty - wash. Want new hair style - make a hair. Want new look - change.

The Filimonov's Atelier. Doll's Studio

Our doll's height is 54 sm. Every doll has her own cardboard house - a box to transport and keep a toy. There is a stand for doll if you want to stand it on the table as a boudoir doll. Lifetime of our dolls is a lifetime of textile - cotton and linen it was made from. Archaeological researches proved that linen lifetime is more than 100 years, cotton lifetime is more than 40 years. There is a special padding from polyester inside dolls which lifetime is more than 50 years. Every doll has her own little toy.

The Filimonov's Atelier. Doll's Studio

Doll's clothe is made absolutely hand-made - which guarantee a quality of every stitch and joint. The main collection «Russian's chintz» shows a beauty of Russian sarafan. Every element of doll's clothe of this collection is made on strong rules of creating authentic Russian national folk clothes.

Warm and heartfullness of textile doll is hard to describe in words, it is easy to feel, to touch this miracle by hands in real. Come to exhibitions or to the Studio and feel it by yourself!